Your Productivity Means Nothing if Your Mental Health Is Shot

Our always-on productivity culture has everything all wrong and it's never been more obvious than in the midst of a worldwide crisis. Here's how to protect your mental health from the ghost of old productivity mindsets.


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3 Top Assets Vision Gives To Exceptional Leaders

When it comes to devices that produce “video” or “motion pictures”, leaders and companies operating in this field have a challenge to clearly communicate “a vision” without being associated with their actual product.

In order to be an exceptionally successful leader, you must have a clear vision. There are few natural visionary leaders. The good news is that it is a skill that can be learned. And if you are a leader in the corporate world, you already took some steps in that direction, because being visionary is probably the most powerful tool in a leader’s toolbox.

Vision can be defined as a picture in a leader’s imagination that motivates people to take action when communicated clearly, passionately and compellingly.

“Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion.” –Jack Welch

Today’s best companies are equipping their leaders, sales teams and employees with the latest technology and tools, making them highly effective agents in their field — specifically scaling with IoT.
In the video surveillance industry, camera manufacturers, distributors, and integrators have little transparency on the way systems sold to customers are actually performing the business function. Yet, over 50% of organizations that integrate analytics into measuring their business insights experience 23X more Net New customers. This translates into +186% in sales growth and pushing ROIs north of 132%.

Contextual Device Data, camera manufacturers, distributors, and integrators need real-time business insights from the field. As a leader, you need Structured Data (Big Data) on device performance with the right foundation to build a credible vision for your company.

As a visionary leader who clearly and passionately communicates your vision to motivate your employees to act with passion and purpose, you’re ensuring that everyone is working toward a common goal. The end result is that everyone contributes to your organization’s forward momentum. I call this the Hyperdrive Motivator (thank you C-3PO).

Vision is powerful because you, as the senior manager or leader, believe in your vision and mission. It is not just a statement hanging on a wall or utopian idea based on hearsay. Your vision, as a leader is even more powerful because people live your vision every single day at work. But you must ensure it’s attainable and clearly anchored in proven, reliable and is backed with the most accurate business dynamic insights.

Warren Bennis, professor of business administration at the University of Southern California Marshall School of Business said it best: “In order to take the organization to the highest possible level, leaders must engage their people with a compelling and tangible vision…”

Once in Hyperdrive Motivator state, the leader has the capacity to decide and adjusts rapidly to the ever-changing market conditions, and senior managers implement top decisions with enthusiasm, belief, commitment while they inspire loyalty and caring through the involvement of all employees.

Vision backed by a strong strategic framework safeguards the focus of your organization. It’s a comprehensive picture of your organization’s strategy. It clarifies how individual efforts and team projects can be connected to achieve the best outcome. Including meaningful target measures and a sequence of activities that help focus on the key efforts that implement your strategy.

In reality, companies (including yours) whose employees understand the vision can enjoy a 29% greater return than the competition (Watson Wyatt Work Study). U.S. workers want their work to make a difference, but 75% do not think their company’s vision has become the way they do business (Workplace 2000 Employee Insight Survey).

It is a fairly complex process but it all comes down to KYC2: know your customer, know your competition and gain dynamic business insight to know yourself. Using the right platform will allow you to know your customer better, see how the competition does or doesn’t affect your business, and provides you with visual confirmation on actionable intelligence you need right now.

You may be saying to yourself, such a vision engine of sorts doesn’t exist. Yesterday, you may have been right. Today, there is Vision IoT as a Service or viotaas for short.

You see, viotaas is a unique, one of a kind platform. It is the only PaaS (Platform as a Service) that delivers only the most meaningful data you choose, that leverages your existing security cameras and IoT devices at the speed of life. Each business day, you receive status reports on your business operations. With additional features at the tips of your fingers, you can immediately see in real-time the status of your (and your customers’) devices in the field.
This allows you to make operational decisions on critical incidents, make sure they are being documented and alert decision makers, 24/7/365 as they happen.

Mike Bomas, LLB, LL.M, ACF

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